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DUMPSTER DIVER'S HORROR: You never know what surprises you may find (L. A. True Crime Files Book 14)

The news media had characterized them as the notorious mother son crime duo. Books and TV movies told their story of traveling across the country leaving a path of mayhem. This book focuses on how a mother, named Sante Kimes, could manipulate her son to the point that he was willing to commit murder for the family. It all began when the mother had placed their family home in another person’s name so a creditor couldn’t get it.

However, when it was time to refinance their house, Sante needed the person to sign the paperwork. When she couldn’t get his cooperation, she instructed her son to take care of the problem. The obedient son did what was necessary and shot the person.

Then the issue became what to do with the dead body. After placing the body in large trash bags, it was tossed into a half full dumpster for the trash truck to pick up. Eventually, as every True Crime aficionado knows that the best laid plans don’t always work out.

In this case it was a ‘Dumpster Diver’ who threw the monkey wrench into the perfect crime. When he tore open the plastic trash bag, he was shocked to find a dead body. This book takes the reader on a long ride which ends up in New York city where this mother son team pull off the biggest heist of their extensive careers. Learn how their nationwide crime spree ended in the lobby of the Time Square Hilton Hotel.