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HIDING FROM THE KILLERS: Crawling into a culvert could save your life (L. A. True Crime Files Book 6)

It’s so dark in the car trunk and the young women inside thought to herself that she was going to die when the car stopped. Her only hope was that they would shoot her in the head thereby killing her instantly. Shortly before, she had been unmercifully raped and she didn’t want to be continually tortured before her body was thrown over a cliff.

After driving for some time, the car stopped and the trunk popped open. One of the men grabbed her and pulled her out of the trunk. She stood shivering in the cold mountain breeze with two men and a woman standing around her. All of a sudden, she heard the woman say, “Hurry up and shoot her.”

Next she heard the gun go off and a bullet struck her in her chest. The force of the shot knocked her backwards causing her to fall off an embankment landing in a brush covered creek bed. It was so dark she couldn’t see anything but she could hear the suspects trying to look for her. Fortunately for her, the attackers didn’t have a flashlight to look for her. What should she do in order to survive?

Although she was bleeding from her gunshot wound, she silently waded up the creek where she discovered several giant culverts under the road. There she crawled in to hid from her assailants.

This book takes you, the True Crime reader, through a real life and death situation. It is as though you are walking in the victim’s shoes having to decide what to do next. This story is about two teenagers who became involved in drugs and you see how their lives become so unraveled that they fell into the drug world which they weren’t prepared for. Although it is a gloomy heartrending story, it forever changed the law in the state of California regarding the police using juvenile informants in narcotic investigations. Eventually that new law has saved numerous lives of many teenagers who often find themselves in deep trouble in the narcotic world.