Yes Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. As much as the news media likes to pontificate that all human beings can be rehabilitated, this is one of the biggest misstatements of all times. Granted everyone wants to believe that everyone can change for the GOOD. However, this is wishful thinking since there are some people on the face of this earth who are downright EVIL.
After you read this book, I dare say no one will say that this particular murderer is likely to change his stripes and become a pillar of the community. How can one person be so vindictive in inflicting so much pain on another human being? There will be those readers who will take the position that the defendant’s behavior maybe antisocial but the repugnant behavior of the killer wasn’t his fault. This group of people, who always see the glass half full even when it’s empty, will explain that the murderer was undoubtedly abused as a child (even if there is no evidence of it) and as result that ill-treatment has affected his moral values.
This book doesn’t intend to try to convince anyone as to what motivates killers to kill. Everyone has their preconceived beliefs. What this book does wish to convey is that there are brutal individuals in our midst. It’s important to recognize they exist and try to prevent them from continuing to harm others in society. If you want to try to rehabilitate them, more power to you but please do it in your backyard not ours.