Politicians and celebrities like to stand behind their Bully Pulpits and proclaim that by merely preaching love and compassion racism can be defeated. The news media echoes the distain for racism and proclaims that with a little education rationale people will recognize the merits of treating everyone equally. When probation officers and prison guards hear this, a smile comes over their face and they try to prevent from snickering.
In the real world you can’t ignore the fact that certain members of a race vehemently HATE persons from another race. As a matter of fact, if you don’t understand the reaction of mixing certain groups you could cause deadly consequences. Granted racial hatred shouldn’t exist but it is totally naïve to ignore the existence of it.
This book considers the actions of just one individual. His name was Tony Barron (better known by his friends as ‘KNUCKLES’) and he had a deep seeded hatred for Blacks. As offensive as his beliefs were, his hatred for Blacks was real and no amount of education was going to change his mind. Many want to ignore the fact that certain individuals could possess so much hatred that they are willing to kill for it. The purpose of this book is to explain to the public that racial killers do exist and it is imperative to understand what causes these people to act the way they do.
This e-book initially follows Barron as he sets up a trap to lure a group of Black gang members to a graffiti covered garage. There he ‘lies in wait’ for them and as they appear he starts shooting at them. His malice for Blacks dates back years when neighborhood gangs were divided by race. The Hispanic gangs were being unmercifully attacked by Black gang members. As a result, the Hispanic gangs began to retaliate against the Black gang members. Eventually, the various gang members began striking out against anyone who fit the description of the other race.
In Barron’s mind it was his duty to strike out at any Black person he came into contact with. Eventually he carried it to the extreme when he drove around the community just looking for anyone who was Black. It is hard to believe in a so-called civilized society that a person like Barron would think it was okay to shoot and kill another person merely because of their skin color.
As repugnant as this killing spree was it is important that the community be aware of the facts. This e-book attempts to reveal how this individual went about his methodical method of killing. The book illustrates how the police with the help of a resolute prosecutor were able to stop such racial killing. The irony of this case was that several juries weren’t willing to convict Barron of some of his hate killings. This is a story that needs to be told if racism is ever to be understood and finally extinguished forever.